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Report Cards/Progress Reports

It is essential for parents/guardians to be kept fully informed of their student's progress in school. You can use your student’s login to access the Summit Platform. Core content grades from the Summit Platform will be transferred to Infinite Campus at the end of each quarter only. Elective grades will always be available in Infinite Campus. 

Why wait? Take control of informing yourself and your student about his or her grades and classroom performance using the student portal of Summit Personalized Learning Platform and Infinite Campus. Set goals and celebrate with your student as he or she develops good learning and study habits and achieves good grades. 

Here is how:

  1. Call or visit our front office to get your Summit and Infinite Campus username and initial password. (970-348-3200) a. Typically your username and password will be the same
  2. Go to the Franklin Middle School website ( and use the quick links to navigate.